Gratiot County’s historical newspapers have always been available to researchers through local libraries and at the genealogy library. Finding articles, though, has meant a trip to the repository and negotiating the hours and availability of computers on site.
The Alma Public Library (APL) has begun a project which will bring the Gratiot County Herald (GCH) to home computers, free of charge, in a digital, searchable format. In January of 2024 the library was awarded an initial grant of $5000 from the Clarke Historical Library. These funds enabled the APL to complete the digitization of GCH issues from 1889 to 1906. Those papers are now available on the digital Michigan Newspaper Portal, which is on Central Michigan University’s Clarke Library site.
The library is continuing the project. During 2024 they received additional funds: $9,000 from the library budget; $8,000 from the Gratiot County Historical Society through donations (this effort was Steve Bakker’s project); $4,000 from Alma’s Walmart Supercenter; and a $1,000 personal donation. These funds will enable the Clarke Library to continue digitization through about 1948. This process will begin in April and should take about six months to complete.
The scans will be located at the Digital Michigan website when completed. There are currently other titles available from Gratiot and other counties.
The Gratiot County Historical Society is very grateful to the Alma Public Library for spearheading this effort.