Leisure Activities of the Past (Games, Toys, Dolls, Fairs, Sports)
Women in the Home and Beyond
Wartime in Gratiot County from Civil War to Vietnam
Businesses of the Past
Home Entertainment of the Past
Dolls and Toys of the Past
Weddings of the Past and Our Immigrant Heritage
The Museum’s Hat Collection and One-Room Schools of the Past
Exhibit featured the museum’s antique quilts, sewing machines and sewing related items; also area businesses of the past.
2012 – World War II Exhibit
Invitation to the WWII Exhibit
WWII Exhibit Brochure
Opening Day!
PowerPoint Presentations (clicking on the link will initiate a download)
WWII Exhibit – Items Solved
Army Air Corps
At the beginning of World War II, the United States Air Force simply did not exist. Instead of being a separate branch, pilots trained and flew missions under the orders of the Army Air Corps. Thanks to an extensive collection... Continue Reading →...
Fortney Sisters’ Journals
The entire nation of these United States mobilized to defeat tyranny in WWII. Of course, the war effort redirected the paths of the young men who served in the military. However, without active support from nearly every other part of... Continue Reading →...
Lee Chaffin’s Letter
As WWII ground on through the 1940’s, no one could take the final outcome for granted. The Nazis and their allied regimes in Italy and Japan were a powerful enemy. Many young people found it necessary to put their hopes... Continue Reading →...
Duane Rench’s Bible
The fall and early winter of 1944 marked some of the most critical and dangerous bombing missions of the entire conflict. The Allied ground forces in Europe pushed hard to solidify the progress they had made across the Continent since... Continue Reading →...
Jack Ginther’s Dinner
Jack Ginther will tell you that two of the darkest days of his life were 1)when he heard President Roosevelt had died in 1945 and 2)when he learned that his basic training had been extended 2 weeks, causing him to... Continue Reading →...