Her early years were spent in Gratiot County. When the family moved to Detriot, Georgiana organized the first girls’ baseball team in the history of old Detroit Central High School. She graduated from Traverse City High School, attended Eastern University, Ypsilanti, and graduated from the University of Michigan in 1926 with a BA degree in Education. She belonged to Sigma Kappa Sorority. She moved with her family to Muskegon and worked in her father’s automobile dealership, but returned to Gratiot County in 1930, where she as lived ever since.
She was a Rural Letter Carrier for 33 1/2 years for the Ithaca Post Office. The first female carrier in Gratiot, she retired in May 1970.
During WWII, she enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps in 1943. She chose to serve overseas, becoming a sergeant rather than waiting for assignment to Officers’ Candidate School. She was assigned to Headquarters Supply in Africa, Italy, and France. At that time she organized and directed a WAC choir, which was asked to perform for the Pope in Rome. She was a life-time member of the VFW Post #7805 and American Legion Post #256.
Member of longest standing, Georgiana joined the First Presbyterian Church in Ithaca, Michigan, in May 1916. She served as Chairman of the Guild, organized a youth choir and directed the senior choir.
A Democrat, always interested in politics, she was the first young Democratic State Central Committee Woman from the old 8th District.
First woman elected to the State Board of the Rural Letter Carriers Association, she was elected Secretary in 1946, and helped organize the ladies into a national organization. She served as a delegate to their conventions, attending 58 National Conventions; was named Michigan’s Outstanding Rural Carrier; organized the first National Lady Carriers’ Club, which now as a Georgiana Peet Miller Scholarship, in her honor. She belonged to National Armed Forces Veteran’s Club; established the first MRLCA Museum; received many awards from national and state associations for her 63 years of dedication and outstanding service.
Georgiana and her husband, Lynn, sponsored three young people to settle in the U.S. during the Communist conflict in Hungary. She made it possible for three students of Niger Republic to further their education in Michigan and continued to give them moral and financial support through the years. She was Chairman of the local Hospitality Council, allowing foreign students of M.S.U. and U. of M. to visit Gratiot families. She was Coordinator for Experiment in International LIving, placing foreign students in host families and sending local youth abroad.
An active genealogist and charter member of the Gratiot County Historical Society, she stared the Genealogical Group for the society, establishing a library for them in her home. She was President of the Michigan Genealogy Society, Chairman of Genealogical Committee, Michigan Council and Chairman of the Ad Hoc Sesquicentennial Committee of the Michigan Genealogical Council.
Survivors are a nephew, Charles Peet of New York City; a niece, Margo (John) Anderson of Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey; two grandnieces and three grandnephews; and cousins.