Cordelia Hankey (nee Stevenson) was born in Washington Twp., Gratiot Co., Mich,, July 15, 1879, and passed to her rest Sept. 23, 1951 at her home in Eureka, Mich. In 1907 she was married to Edward Hankey. Sister Hankey had… Continue Reading →
Howard Oscar Butler was born Jan. 29, 1887 three-miles east of Sumner, Mich. At twenty years of age he married Nettie Mae Bangs. They experienced conversion and hecame members of the Sumner SDA Church. Later Brother Butler became farm manager… Continue Reading →
Ervin Elberton Forquer was born in Isabella County, Mich., March 9, 1872, and died in Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, April 2, 1952. He spent his boyhood days in Gratiot County. He was married to Anna L. Harvey in Saginaw in… Continue Reading →
Minnie Elizabeth Rowland was born Apr. 22, 1872 in Gratiot Co.,—died Aug. 15, 1952. At the age of four years, she moved with her parents to Cedar Lake, Mich., where with them she embraced the Seventh-day Adventist faith, remaining faithful… Continue Reading →
Mary Nelson Collins, born January 24, 1864. in Arcada Township, Gratiot County, Michigan; died at Yucaipa, California, February 20, 1956. She was baptized at the age of sixteen, and most of her life was spent at Cedar Lake. Michigan. On… Continue Reading →
Mrs. Elthia Thompson, born April 9, 1880, in Montcalm county, was married to George Thompson in 1899 and lived 42 years on a farm in Gratiot County. Following the death of her husband she moved to Boyne City to live… Continue Reading →
Harvey J. Wood was born in Newark Township, Gratiot County, Mich., on Sept. 24, 1676, and passed away in St. Louis. Mich., on Oct. 31, 1958, at the age of 82. He has been a faithful member of the Seventh-day… Continue Reading →
Lewis S. Pierce, aged 73, passed away Aug. 16. 1959, at his home after a number of months of suffering. Mr. Pierce was born April 2, 1886, in Gratiot County and spent the last 12 years of his life in… Continue Reading →
Kelley, Rilda, was born June 24, 1892, and passed to her rest Oct. 26, 1962, at the age of 70. A resident of Flint, Mich., for the past 40 years and a faithful member of the church here, she will… Continue Reading →
Bronson, Ernest, was born in Tuscola County, Mich., April 15, 1881, and was laid to rest May 20, 1965, while at the Gratiot Community Hospital in Alma, Mich. He was a believer in the Third Angel’s Message most of his… Continue Reading →
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