Category Obituaries

Nichols, Mary Ann

Fell asleep, Sept. 5, 1878, in Estella, Gratiot county, Mich., our dear sister, Mary Ann, wife of Bro. James L. Nichols, aged 54 years and 11 months. Her disease was spinal complaint, terminating in paralysis. She suffered much. Sr. Nichols… Continue Reading →

Langdon, Mary Ann

Died of heart disease, near Estella, Gratiot Co., Mich., Nov. 1, 1879, Sister Mary Ann, wife of Bro. John Langdon, in the sixty-ninth year of her age. Sister Langdon was for many years a devoted follower of her Lord. Four… Continue Reading →

Whitcomb, Nancy

Nancy Whitoomb died of consumption in Bethany, Gratiot Co., Mich., March 19, 1880, aged 30 years. She embraced the third angel’s message two years ago last September, by reading, and till her death was a faithful Christian. Her last words… Continue Reading →

Dickinson, Lillie Ann

Died near Estella, Gratiot Co., Mich., my dear sister Lillie Ann, wife of 0. Dickinson, aged 18 years and 5 months. About four yeara ago, she was baptized, and united with the S. D. A. church in Estella. She was… Continue Reading →

Squire, Aaron

Died, Feb. 6, 1881, in the town of North Star Gratiot Co., Mich., our father, Aaron Squire, in the 87th year of his age. He was born in Connecticut, Sept. 19, 1794. Soon after the death of his father, Dr…. Continue Reading →

Stratton, Charles L

Died March 4, 1887, near Lincoln, Lincoln Co., Kan., of measles and inflammation of the lungs, our dear son, Charles L. Stratton, aged 13 years, 11 months, and 6 days. Just three weeks before his death we moved from Sumner,… Continue Reading →

Holiday, Cornelius

Died Aug. 15, 1887, at St. Louis, Mich., after a long and painful illness, the result of an injury sustained a number of years ago, Bro Cornelius Holiday, in the 65th year of his age. Bro. Holiday embraced the doctrines… Continue Reading →

Wolf, Murrillous

Died in Fulton, Gratiot Co., Mich., Sept. 7, 1889, of old age and dropsy, Murrillous Wolf, aged eighty-one years. She was born in Sciota County, Ohio. Sister W. embraced the Adventist faith in 1858. She leaves ten children. Services by… Continue Reading →

Call, D. R.

D. R. Call was born in the State of New York in the year 1830. He began to keep the Sabbath of the Lord in 1868, at thirty-eight years of age, at which time he became a member of the… Continue Reading →

Glover, John

Died of la grippe, April 23, 1891, in Arcada, Gratiot Co., Mich., John Glover, in his seventieth year. Bro. Glover embraced the Sabbath under the labors of Elder Joseph Bates, nearly forty years ago. He had resided on the same… Continue Reading →

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